Ella joined our family a year and a half ago and she has been my side-kick ever since. She's always there to clean up crumbs after lunch, protect me from the occasional repair man, alert me to the delivery of mail....and even to wake a sleeping child if the mood strikes her. We often are asked what breed of dog she is, and that question is always followed with a comment of how beautiful she is by the person inquiring. She is an English Cocker Spaniel, and differs in size, proportions and tempermant from the American Cocker. We could not have designed a more perfect dog for our family if they were offered on amazon.com......
For such a small dog she has a lot of names! Her official registered name is Penwoods Brown Eyed Girl, with a "call name" of Ella. Jack however, decided early on that her name is Bella and Grant prefers to simply call her La-La.
So stinkin' cute! Now I want a dog.