Friday, April 16, 2010


It's pretty common knowledge around our home that simply being a boy does not mean you have a free pass to be covered in dirt, wearing messy clothes and sticky from head to toe! However, just to prevent being labled as a prude I thought I'd share a few pictures of what happens when Mommy puts down the washcloth.

Ok, so maybe I still felt the need to cover the table with newspaper, but then let the boys have at it!

Jack thought these were the prettiest Easter eggs he has ever seen, and I have to agree!

A few eggs did "dye"....LOL.

Have you met my second born? The "messiest baby on the block"?

Lolli, complete with dirt on the stick!

You didn't really think I'd let my newborn be a mess.... did you?

The Easter bunny must have thought our eggs were very nice! There even was a little basket for Quinn despite the short notice of his early arrival.

Happy First Easter baby Quinn!

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